Siamo lieti di informarti della vittoria della nostra seduta Busy del Good Design Award 2019. Segue comunicazione ufficiale:
"The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies are pleased to inform you that the following has won a 2019 GOOD DESIGN® Award: BUSY
Founded in Chicago in 1950, GOOD DESIGN remains the oldest and the world’s most recognized program for design excellence worldwide.
This year, the Museum received a record number of submissions from the world’s leading manufacturers and industrial and graphic design firms representing the most important and critical mass of influential corporations in the design industry from over 47 countries.
In November/December, the 69th GOOD DESIGN jury met in Los Angeles and New York and selected over 900 product designs and graphics from over 47 nations worthy of the GOOD DESIGN Award for their Design Excellence.
Good Design represents the world’s critical mass of the design and manufacturing industry representing the best consumer design ranging from the ‘spoon to the city’ for sustainability, superior design, and unparalleled function."
Dotata di una seduta “a pois”, ricavata sottraendo cerchi di alluminio alla sua superficie, Busy non solo ha un’estetica gradevole, ma si presenta leggera e maneggevole. La scocca cosi concepita impedisce il ristagno d’acqua nel caso di utilizzo in spazi esterni, riducendo notevolmente il rischio di deterioramento. Innovativa è la seduta in monoscocca di alluminio stampato, il cui assemblaggio avviene attraverso un’apposita tecnologia che permette di avvolgere la lamiera al tondino in acciaio verniciato in polveri poliestere.
• scocca in alluminio stampato
• impilabile su carrello fino a 30 pezzi
• trattata in cataforesi e verniciata in polveri di poliestere